
Dave is a Web Developer for doTerra Essential Oils.  Dave knows all things Star Wars and is obsessed with board games.  He also speaks Korean and Chinese.  If I were to pick a word that describes Dave (besides AMAZING), it would be humble.  Dave doesn't let life get him down.  He sees a mistake and he fixes it.  He allows life to teach him what he needs to do to be better, and then he does it.  He believes in change and bettering himself and the world around him.  He doesn't judge others, but genuinely loves them.  And EVERYONE loves Dave!  I am pretty sure my own family loves him more than they love me!

One of the main reasons I married Dave is because I knew he would never yell at me.  He is ever patient and kind.  And such a good dad and husband!  He is also HILARIOUS!  Dave's sense of humor gets us through so many of the difficult situations in life.  When everything seems to be falling apart, Dave starts cracking jokes.  I don't know how he does it, but I count on him to get us through rough patches, and he does.  His love of God is evident in all aspects of his life and it makes him the truly remarkable man that he is.

Dave and Ellie have a bond that is hard to describe, but when you see it, you know he is crazy about her!  There is nothing that he won't do for her.  She can get him to do just about anything, including dancing, playing princesses, or just being goofy.  If ever there is something we are not sure about when it comes to raising Ellie, Dave will research it out, read article after article, and earnestly pray until he finds the best solution.  He is one amazing dad!

Dave also has this amazing capacity to serve others.  He loves to help people, whether it's pulling their weeds or helping them move into their house, he jumps right in with eagerness.  And that is how he is in our family, too.  His love language is definitely "Acts of Service."  He helps around the house so much and with Ellie.  He cooks dinners with me and cleans, even when he is tired from work.  I am so grateful for that!  I definitely got the better end of the deal, marrying Dave.


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