How We Met

Waiting to go down one of the world's longest slides in Park City.

Dave and I met at a church activity, playing Minute-to-Win-It Games.  He walked up to me and asked if I was on his team, which I was not.  I had this feeling that "I needed to pay attention to this guy," so I followed him around a little and flirted with him.  When the party ended, he left right away, and I was super bummed.  For two weeks, that feeling lingered that I needed to find "that David guy."  So I texted a friend that went to church with him, and she said she was having a party on Sunday, and that he would be there.  I went to the party and strategically placed myself next to him.  We got to talking and he told me he had just moved from Hawaii.  I said, "Really?  I am going to Hawaii the day after tomorrow with my sister."  He lit up like a Christmas tree!  "Oh," he said, "Well let me tell you some really great places to go."  I panicked because I didn't have anything to write these ideas down on, so Dave said to me, "Would it be easier if I just got your number and texted them to you?"  SMOOTH, I thought, Why yes you can have my number.  We played games at the party all night and had a lot of fun.  The next day I sent him a text and we texted back and forth during my entire trip to Hawaii.  Well over 400 text messages later (during which time he set up 7 dates with me for when I got home...not just one, but SEVEN), he picked me up at the airport, and we have been together ever since.  I always wanted a guy to "chase me" and ask me out on dates, and Dave did just that.  It was so great!

Playing at a corn maze in Idaho

Launching mini pumpkins with these blaster guns

My dad is a prison guard, so this was funny to us
With my nephew Eli, getting ready
to go inside the big monster
Hiking up to a beautiful cave in Utah
On a tour inside the cave
Going shooting and 4-wheeling in Idaho.

Fall in Utah

Pumpkin Carving Contest
Visiting a beautifully restored building

We have a deep love for being parents, but we firmly believe that the most important gift that we can give our kids, is to love each other first and foremost, as husband and wife.  We try to go on dates as much as possible, and do things for each other to keep our love alive.

Date Night:  Dinner and dancing!

Star Wars opening day with our light sabers.

Anniversary dinner at a really nice restaurant in Salt Lake City.

Date Night:  "Newsies" was so amazing!


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